Late April Night, Philadelphia

Philadelphia at night seems to dance undulating light The fluid nature of darkness, electric with semblances. So language grows mutable...

The wind is singing verbosely through the shimmering elm, like a girl I once loved for an hour or two. Lovely song, lovely dance, lovely...

After midnight, coffee shop dissonance. A city become mostly memory, the hard, melancholy kiss of it. Florescent shadows, hypnagogic glee. ...

Two a.m. and the lettuce heads, frail green, are taking a shower. Frolicking in the night ether. Produce does not get lonely does not debouc...

Vivacious sun voluptuous sea honey light rainy breeze. Distantly, down a hill and up another, down again the roads like compressed ribbon, c...

She says, It’s strange becoming accustomed to the sound of your feet, and not his. You have a very distinctive clamber, like a boulder bound...

There is the thought of dolphins trailing gracefully in the wake of a ship, playful in the light and spray. You, watching from inside, this ...

Beethoven hidden in his brother’s basement as Napoleon bombards Vienna. Beethoven, pillows pressed tightly over his ears, trying to save wha...

The gentle thoughtless flounce of the bathroom curtain, a vibrant, lubricious red opening to the blue spring, closing. A woman in a floral ...

I don't often do this - although since almost no one reads this, I can pretty much do whatever the hell I please - but I'm going to ...

A small alcove of trees, pink and mauve and purple and white. The latter days of their efflorescence. A small alcove, so when the wind’s pla...