Notes on July's ending

The carcass at roadsedge, wind
with his inorganic breath slips through
the tall grasses downy and blonde.
The lustered automotive carapace.

What here howls and beats?
That which is hidden.


Vexing, this viscous heat,
this pressing virility


A couple sprawled in a park,
legs sprouting, delicate blossoms
turning over, flues of bliss,


The androgeny of weather:
he hears effeminate wind, she leans back and
lets the sun penetrate her.


Each revolution we emerge
with a little less light,
a fraction more dark.


Two women of ambiguous age
walking arminarm, skin sheathed in sweat.
This is how I remember what they forget:
the mundane interstice between roaring headwaters
and memory's delta


Dexterous desire. Moon sheen,
girls wiping peach juice from their chins.


The massage parlor girls with
ivory faces. Poached girls, memories of
villages on monsoon swollen rivers, the annual
flood fertilizing the rice paddies.


Contrails at near-dusk,
simmering pink. Clouds of rohodendrons,
half season late. Life in transit.


Philadelphia, from the Latin for...
the street grid, antiquated, maybe
Greek, Egyptian, maybe Indian,
maybe Chinese. Order old as man.


The nostalgia of objects
finger worn books
body molded beds
sun faded homes (sun faded things)


Evening no longer sultry, married + middle aged
and the loosening of ideal. The settling sounds
of dusk distilling desire to a palaver, a whisper
and an echo:


residual light
at the horizon, edging
from perception


Sometimes it is necessary for art to
eschew cohesion.


A copper beech with his ancient girth, the earth
surround trampled by the passage of small swift
bodies. He speaks quietly with the wind. They are very
old lovers, their passion now only an ember. Speaking
of loneliness, its loveliness.