Men of Prayer

A man is cradling a book, knelt at an alter adorned with wine and candles. The whole chapel is one of symmetry, buttresses aligned, stained ...

I am sorry I did not bring you home with me. Your figure, wet with dew in the dark, defies my limited lingual talents. You were a bell, inve...

You are ahead, and the water, still frigid with spring, is being displaced by your glide, moving out concentrically so that its imperceptibl...

The basic tenets of modernism (or, for that matter, post modernism), my own blood type, the lyric movements of flamenco dancers, how to cons...

what are these orange flowers I see everywhere? they’re like sullen younger cousins of the late day sun I have all the words except the ones...

My father sends me a text from halfway around this watery, sliding piece of space rubble we inhabit. I think, how amazing that my very fathe...

I suspect there are things of this world that move only my writerly heart For instance: Our communicative advancements become more and more ...

i. How strange the whims of our intimacies when a word inflected with unintentional melancholy can charge our bodies anew, and apart ii. I f...

the smell of fresh laundry, that faintly metallic, humid aroma of down, reminds me of infidelity .......but also of fire illuminated figures...

Can’t sleep, burning through the late night channels a picture is crystallizing for men, ordinary men, of which I am one. I am in dire need ...

The balloons sag like weary heads at half deflate the bottles of seltzer have lost their spritz glasses on the table are stained crimson, bl...

A man swindling investors - many close friends - of near eighty million dollars gave one mil of his haul to charity. Guilt, perhaps, or mayb...

A reservoir has been carved from the bedrock and it has been given a fall a serrated groove of stone On summer nights smelling of verdant ...

How does a symphony come together? A pluck of the bass, a pull of the violin bow, a whirl of fingers on the French horn, the conductor mad w...

My last night, full of celebratory lamentations, so much of both, I do not remember falling asleep, or the moments before when I must have m...

A friend asks of me, over a lukewarm beer, Do you think we’ll be the last generation to remember life before technology? He does not mean te...