
She enters in the garb of a poet. Which is to say, not much, naked. So, naturally, I fall in love with her. ~ What comes after? The ephemera...

“Let me ask you a question, son. Have you ever had to listen to January nights up here? The silence of that wind? Because there aren‘t words...

A night without sleep, spent fretting over stories. About words that are not my own. An hour wasted on pleasure. The winter sun and how it s...

Hockey and poetry, not early passions of mine. I have slept the day’s cold light irrevocably away wrapped in the hissing dinosaur heat. I am...

A pre-eminent Turkish author has passed, prematurely and unexpectedly. His two sons have returned to Istanbul for the funeral. They are both...

The capitol dome, gleaming under the hard aspersion of a fall sun. We watch three small birds perch on a wire, conversational in posture. Th...

It is one of those autumn afternoons of adolescent yore. Effervescent, this slow sacrifice of light to the verdurous harvest Gods. The sky, ...

Submerged in my own ponderous house, the barren azaleas like sinewy old maids in the yard, the dead leaf rot underfoot, moist and soft. Walk...

Naked into the cauldron of autumn. Damp earth hard sky spare stone. A question for you, a moral question: is beauty itself enough? A congreg...

a cigarette in the dark, alone listening to rain muffle the melancholy koan of a passing train.

I meet Ophelia in the courtyard before dawn. The garland of wildflowers strung round her neck, embers of mourning, taut and un-plucked. Dais...

Scavenging lyrical whispers in the nettled nape of an oak. Children at play in the waning day …and the world her voluptuous hue. Dying the s...

What a peculiar species we are in thrall to the bodies language of velleities and vellications how tender we can be with near strangers, how...

That strange elegy aroused in a man’s stomach, a stirring childhood coda: from sleep's edge, the residual light of another room flooding...

Stray observations The morning ablutions. Frail light married to grass, and dew the final refuge of night, which is lingering and slow to di...

I would like to write a poem for you but as I search, and lose my bearing amidst metaphor and simile it occurs to me that I am no poet and y...

Morning, and a high bluff meadow, sun-saturated. He moves like a scythe through the tall, unfettered grasses until he comes upon an embankme...

On the far northeastern shore of Lake Michigan there was once a small logging village nestled amongst the sand hills and estuarial bogs. The...

So here you are, leaning against the trunk of your car, that peculiar vessel to which we Americans grow so attached. A man’s first, best mar...

Ah, the imposing skeletons shooting their eternal fires skyward and the scoured brown fields. Blue flame licking the muddled sky, scarlet wi...

You will meet a lovely woman, and maybe she writes. You’re excited – you stay up late drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, wandering your sl...

The great nomadic swales of sand ever migrating, never home. Adolescent earth The dune grass bent, at prayer pilgrims cowering at the hem of...

In a used book store a young man picks up a copy of Ulysses Runs a finger across the cover cutting a faint line through the accumulated dust...

Some inexorable urge has brought him here at this hour, the taciturn lull preceding the frenetic city evening. He chases down the lucent hea...

A man whose books receive mediocre reviews informs me that to be considered a professional writer one must eschew inspiration, must view its...

A strange realization: I do not miss Philadelphia. Not one bit. Instead, I miss the lake, and the immense bluffs, and the impenetrable fores...

The forests glow the florid hue of eternal dawn, or eternal dusk. The infernal shrouded hours of senescence, or creation; brothers in the el...

The carcass at roadsedge, wind with his inorganic breath slips through the tall grasses downy and blonde. The lustered automotive carapace. ...

Dramatic first act in living color the opening cadenzas of a waltz Girl in flannel shirt, sapling in spring That harrowing plunge after you ...

We move beneath that infinite shadow, always. And it does not suffice as atonement. We deceive those closest, acquiescing to desire. We are ...

On a cold clear morning I endeavor to separate my body from language The oak is nothing. The grass is nothing and the dew is nothing. The sl...

1. Let me begin with the cerebellum. Let me begin with a crowd. An undulating mass, redolent of a cornfield under wind. The zephyr of sound ...