
I'm about to pull an old school all nighter here, i.e. actually at Temple in beautiful North Philadelphia (although in fairness, even Temple looks beautiful in this kind of weather), but I wanted to just throw up a few brief - very brief - things I've written. Hopefully those two of you still reading will enjoy these. Any week now, I'm going to have something longer to put up. Without further ado:

Philadelphia has always been, to me, a city of unrequited love. Or, at least, of unfulfilled love. It's the clarity of a flourish of azaleas before the haze of summer, or the woman you meet for one night and dance through town with, from friends to lovers to the bare essentials of life, all in one night of talk like water from a faucet, surrepetious sideways glances, and a parting ethereal in its permanent beauty. Then, you spend your whole life trying to find, and forget, that night, that woman. That is Philadelphia.


There's an infinite quality to life, though its matter is decidedly finite. You think that perhaps you've outgrown palpitations of the heart, or that the ability to feel flush, and full, and lightheaded has been bludgeoned from you. And then you find the sentence you've lost, or walk next to a girl with glasses and luminous, searching green eyes, and once again the finite matter of your body feels limitless, and the graces of the world seem without end.

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