
A highchair on the side of the road, looking rather melancholy
still upright, not yet reposed by some force of nature
though its upholstery has seen better days
Its mysterious placement gnaws my frontal lobes
no less than my own mysterious placement here
(Was it dumped in a fit of hysteric desperation,
its presence a lingering reminder of a lost child?
Was it the lone survivor of a tragic accident?
Or merely another careless relic, left to fall
to rot away until it is an unidentifiable human blemish?


A dried out stream bed, filled lovingly with fallen leaves
meandering its shallow fissure through the surrounding hills
pocked with oblong boulders, like freckles marking a languorous arm
Once, these big rocks were hidden, perturbing the cold water
in a series of nominal rapids, the kind that makes one think
“Isn’t that a pretty stream?” before driving away and forgetting all about it